🗳️CMDK Genesis Kits

Keep an eye out for CMDK Genesis Kits - the first digital assets that will be released as part of DROPcmdk.


Genesis Kits will be deployed as hybrid erc20/NFT '404' NFTs - likely using the erc404 v2 or DN404 standards. The kits will be limited to 5,000 but able to be traded fractionally on Uniswap.

These kits will also be claimable by launch partners, communities and other that have helped DROPcmdk get to where it is today including holders of the Emanate token and MODA tokens as well as users of drop.audio, contributing developers and more.

A portion of the supply will be added to Uniswap for trading and very low starting price to enable market dynamics to decide on their value.


CMDK Genesis Kits will be required in order to earn rewards within the DROPcmdk network

Node Validation and curation

CMDK Genesis Kits may also play a role in network validation and music curation when the DropChain is launched via Arbitrum Orbit.

Tokenomics & further details

To be revealed in the coming weeks on our X page https://twitter.com/dropcmdk

Last updated